Heard the name alone it was already nulen saliva, who can resist the deliciousness? almost all people like this drink. not only the children, even older people also like it. This drink is also not difficult for the meet, which means the consumer level is also increasing. This drink also has a different shape and different taste.
If you are interested to open a business of ice cream, you can provide the initial capital of about $ 1000-6000. too high huh? indeed, because the equipment to make any is quite expensive, such as a cooler, metal tubes and also raw materials. manpower needed for sales force should choose men, because it takes extra energy in the manufacturing process.
If you claim to have not been able to make it, you can hire someone else who can make you believe .though so you can monitor and control employee. so you still contribute to your business and sediki by little you start to learn, so you know exactly how to make it properly.
If you claim to have not been able to make it, you can hire someone else who can make you believe .though so you can monitor and control employee. so you still contribute to your business and sediki by little you start to learn, so you know exactly how to make it properly.
for marketing was fairly wide, for example you can start marketing it around the village or -spotting a crowd, such as schools, places of entertainment, and so on. or if you want more simple you can rent a place in the mall. (Read: Opportunities Trade Catering Promising)
so easy just to "joy of the money from the ice cream business"