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11 Basic run trategi Business Online / Internet

Well Below, a few easy steps so that your efforts in the more advanced and successful Internet 11 Basic run trategi Business Online / Internet:

Deepen Skills and Knowledge 

Because you will undergo an online business, it helps to increase knowledge in carrying out the functions of the Internet. follow the workshop workshops both offline and online .. this will increase your skill in internet learn minimum to create a blog to create websites that work a student with a laptop

Be creative with photos 

Because prospective buyers can not see directly the items you offer, siasati this by displaying photos of the product. Prospective buyers will not be satisfied curiosity or even so he was not interested because he considered mediocre goods. Photograph products from various angles and distances. Provide general and mendetailnya version so prospective buyers can know with certainty in such goods. Attractive decoration will add value to the goods.

Focus on your strengths 

If you are a supplier / manufacturer of a product focus to look for resellers or those who have a site / community that can be a distribution channel of your products on the internet, you are not hard difficult to make a web e-commerce, for example, you can work together with the website www.evoucher this, as a business owner you simply melisting your products in eVoucher, then eVoucher that will sell your product / service on the internet you only need to provide the best deals .. then the customer will come to you

 Visit the virtual world community 

There are many online communities are scattered, like gathering the fabric lover, hobbyist food, and others. Look for that if it fits with your business type. After that, do the promotion. No need to be shy, you have to be willing to market the product. The more who know your business, the more is the possibility of getting a buyer. Liaise good communication with the people you meet in the virtual world in order to create trust. There is one thing that must be remembered when the promotion, follow the rules in force in the community. Once violated, you could be penalized.

11 Basic run trategi Business Online / Internet

Update diligent in SocialMedia 

Social media today has an important role in business, try to always update the status either through facebook, twitter, instagram etc.

Visit and Follow the Offline Virtual World Communities 

Once you follow the online community also follow Kopdar or ground coffee held by them, by following ground coffee or offline you will get a new relationship and the broader


The purpose of advertising is to reach more potential customers. You have to be patient in this case because the income may not advertise seinstan after another. Successful advertising requires research and a very focused strategy. Do not try to pull all consumer segments. It will only destroy yourself. You can not satisfy all consumers. Zero group really specific. If others are interested as well, it's just a bonus.

Have enough goods products and cicil photo 

It's okay when starting a business with a number of items that are not too much, but make sure that sufficient numbers, at least 6 times for updates. We recommend that you do not show all the products at once. Stored so that you can continue to update. photos of the stuff little by little. In his spare time, look for products or new creations.

Update your site / blog periodically 

It is important to update the site / blog. Could be once a week or once every two weeks. Do not get once a month. Too long, then the prospective buyer could be not likely to return to your site. The reason, the visitor must continue to get offers and the latest information from your store. Updates do not have to be in the form of a large-scale. Just by adding a new item type will suffice. Any change in contact details, prices, payment and delivery of goods must be notified within the site. see also: 

6 Tips Online Business Success


PR is like a boat control effort. You must be a detailed public relations pros and cons set arising from the business activities and the flow of content companies that are disseminated to the targeted consumers. (* Akhlis)

Have added value 

You could be selling the same dress as another woman, but of course your business so no special, right? If you sell a large special clothing with unique motifs that can make the wearer look superlangsing and drove him to the home buyer, your business can only be said to be different from most. Find the uniqueness in every kind of business you run. Satisfactory service can also be a plus. So that you can use to your success "11 Basic run trategi Business Online / Internet " (AS / from various sources) 
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