Not the employer who pays the wages. Employers only handle the money. The customer who pays the wages. (Henry Ford)
I am very suspicious of someone who is very good in the business. It also applies to athletes or entertainers who are either good, who began to think that they should tell the whole world how to behave on everything. If it feels really crazy because we make a lot of money, we will be better in giving advice to every issue and topic. (Warren Buffett)
In the business world, a mirror to look behind the mirror is always clearer than the front. (Warren Buffett)
Each form of business leaders, no matter how stupid, will quickly be supported by studies prepared by his subordinates. (Warren Buffett)
If we can not find something within our circle of competence, we will not expand the circle. We will wait (Warren Buffett)
Our method is very simple. We just tried to buy a business with good economic up extraordinarily well, which is run by people who are honest and competent, and buy it at a price that makes sense. That's what I was trying to do. (Warren Buffett)
If they need my help to manage the company, we may be in trouble (Warren Buffett)
If you understand an idea, you can express it so that others can understand it (Warren Buffett)
Investment must be rational, if you do not understand it do not do it. (Warren Buffett)
If you do not make mistakes, you can not make a decision. (Warren Buffett)
I want to be able to explain my mistakes. This means I only do things that I fully understand. (Warren Buffett)
We never looked back. We just think there is so much that can be expected in the future so there is no reason to think about what we should have done in the past. It will not produce any difference. You can only live this life with continued forward. (Warren Buffett)
Risk comes from not knowing what you are doing (Warren Buffett)
Good managerial record of achievement is more dependent on your business ship ride than how effectively you row. If you find yourself to be in a chronically leaking boat, energy devoted to replacing the vessel is likely to be more productive than energy dicurahkam to patching leaks. (Warren Buffett)
We also believe that honesty is beneficial to us as managers. CEO dishonest to others in public in the end will not be honest with himself personally. (Warren Buffett)
I like to think big. If you will think of something, you might as well be thinking big. (Donald Trump)
We did not enter the company with a mind to do a lot of changes. The way it does not succeed in investment, as also unsuccessful in marriage. (Warren Buffett)
Most people interested in stocks that are also of interest to others. When to interested is when no one is interested. You can not buy a popular stock, and become rich. (Warren Buffett)
If at first you succeed, try stop (Warren Buffett)
I buy stocks when the rats toward the opposite direction (Warren Buffett)
I do not make deals for the money. I've had enough, much more than I ever needed. I do it to do it. (Donald Trump)
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Kata-kata bijak sukses (seri-1)
"Menerima tanggung jawab untuk hidup Anda. Ketahuilah bahwa itu adalah Anda yang akan membuat Anda di mana Anda ingin pergi, tidak a ...
100 Motivasi bisnis agar selalu semangat
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