But for bloggers have never tried PPC business and have no desire to try it. This time I will share some sites lanyanan PPC providers who may be interested to try it my friend
Proven set of PPC Indonesia Pay:
Proven set of PPC Indonesia Pay:
1. AdsenseCamp (www.adsensecamp.com)
PPC-based service site dijogja this could be an alternative for my friend to do business PPC. periklannya click value and the value of Rp 300 minamal PO (payout) is 10,000. payment through your bank account and also through Paypal.2. Bidvertiser (www.bidvertiser)
Bidvertiser is slightly different from some other PPC services in terms of the advertising form that is always changing. Usually iklanya DAWNLOAD shaped image that flashes so invite others to re-click the icon, right .. Delicious! $ 50 minimum payouts via Paypal3. infolink (www.infolinks.com)
Infolink is PPC advertising in the form of classified ads, similar to Blogger and kliksaya Gather (PPC Indonesia). $ 50 minimum payment through Paypal and bank account payments channeled through the minimum $ 300.4. Chitika
Chitika most widely used by bloggers from Indonesia in addition to easy to get clicks. Chitika also displays ads that match keywords in the search for our blog visitors, not by Google Adsense which display at random so that the fish would so difficult to mendapakkan clicks from visitors. I can honestly say: I almost never to click Adsense ads on blogs neighbors. so it is also a matter of consideration for you is not it?5. kliksaya (www.kliksaya.com)
I also recomendasikan to mengikutiunya click ads because the value varies, ranging from Rp.300 to Rp.800 / ads. however satuhal to be in priority to register on my clicks this is your blog visitor should have already lumanyan much, because if the visitor to your blog is still a bit of the ads that appear are only one click on my ads from the default. also in the transfer payment to bank account, but I do not know what limits its minimum PO6. SITTI (www.sitti.co.id)
PPC service provider sites this one is worth a try because the payment per click is considered quite lumannya ranging from Rp.600 / click to Rp.2000 / klik.pembayarannya will be transferred to your bank account after PO reaches a minimum value of 100,000. sitti advantages of this system are already have keywords, so the better the keywords that exist diartikel blog then opportunities arise ads with high click value will be even greater.7. Indonesia Blog Network (www.idblognetwork.com)
better known by IBN is one of the sites PPC providers most exciting and most mantab today. IBN Skarena publisher willing to pay dearly. rata2 per clicknya reach Rp.2000, Payment is made by transferring money to a bank account that we have with a minimum limit of PO 300,000.8. Kumpulblogger (www.kumpulblogger)
is probably one of the PPC service providers, which have long been in the PPC's website. value of clicks per ad of this kumpulblogger is Rp.300 and many more sites that PPC Indonesia, want to know if my friend wrote in a google search.Tips:
PPC to run well and produce as you expect, then you need to attract visitors to your blog as much as possible. more: 11 Basic run trategi Business Online / Internet