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It's Beautiful Girls Should Be alert when driving night

Seems now driving has become a mandatory part of the daily agenda of women, whether it be a career woman or the student, not infrequently have to drive the car alone without the company of a driver. Because in addition to more flexible, must also not be disturbed privacy.

But what would happen if women often drive a car alone at night. Sometimes also invite dangers, especially in the deserted streets and the red light intersection. 

Well, It's Beautiful Girls Should Be alert when driving night

1. Do not be complacent and always alert, the smallest things. Through streets that are easier to access when in need of help, such as a police station, or a little more crowded areas.


2. Every now and do not trust people / other riders who said tires deflated. Look for a crowded place or gas station to ensure it.

3. dress accordingly, do not dress that provoked the crime.

4. When will a long distance, make sure the fuel enough.

5. Do not invite burglars or muggers with manaruh valuables on the car dashboard, HP for example.

6. Keep a safe distance, do not be reckless, and make sure the ladies are not sleepy.

7. Do not be preoccupied with the struggle with gadgets / HP. More aware and alert, even though the streets are often ladies are going through. Do not also while eating or drinking.

8. If there is something on the car ladies, well do not jump out of the car. Find a safe location and contact person who can be trusted, friend, friend, husband, etc.

9. Enjoy car entertainment, with listening to music so that ladies feel relaxed. Once again aware of the conditions around the road.

10. Keep the limit speed of the car, not too fast, not too slow also. And do not be lured by another vehicle suddenly asking for help.

11. Do not speeding or invite other hazards. Use headlights as much as possible and always pay attention to traffic signs and instruments of vehicles.

Well It's Beautiful Girls Should Be alert when driving night.
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